Your home in the mountains:A holiday ofRelaxation and funon the Asiago Plateauideal for couples and families!Discover our offers!
CreditsCreditsHotel da Barba website was developed by WebCloud agency based in Rosà and Asiago who oversaw:Website developmentFitting the site about WebCloud CmsSeo optimization for search enginesWriting and/or revision of textsThe site runs on CMS Webcloud and Webcloud Hosting.PhotoPhotoshoot made by Valeria Lobbia of RCE PHOTO ASIAGO.Other pictures used on the website were taken fromHotel da Barba, from Vicenza Photography and Vallely.CopyrightThe reproduction of images and texts on this website are reserved. Therefore, except where otherwise indicated, all content may not be reproduced or used, even partially, on other sites or in other publications without explicit permission from the authors.